The advantages of the different payment protection insurance and critical illness cover are of great confusion for some people. On the face of it these two policies seem to offer protection against the same set of circumstances, in particular the illness and injury. People buy these types of insurance because they are concerned about the financial impact of a long lay off from work. They invest in such coverage to protect against unexpected events and potentially life changing.
Before examining the main benefits of the insurance payment protection and critical illness cover, let us first see the main details of each policy. It is important to remember that PPI can protect your finances against a wide range of diseases and injuries. It also offers a long-term protection until the age of retirement. This type of policy will remain valid, whether or not to use it repeatedly.
Before examining the main benefits of the insurance payment protection and critical illness cover, let us first see the main details of each policy. It is important to remember that PPI can protect your finances against a wide range of diseases and injuries. It also offers a long-term protection until the age of retirement. This type of policy will remain valid, whether or not to use it repeatedly.